How are you, REALLY?
How are you doing?
I mean, really, how are you doing?
Recently I was asked to respond to this in a group I’m part of. The space was opened up to share our authentic answers, and to simply be witnessed in sharing it.
Long ago, I had a boss who asked that more probing question at staff meetings. But there often wasn’t space for the real answer, because there was too much work to be discussed (and let's be honest, often we aren't ready to show up as we really are in our workspaces).
"How are you, really?" is such a great question, though.
Here’s what I know from being (often) in frequent, deep conversations with people who lead, make change and parent/ caregive – when people have the space to share how they really are, and are witnessed in a conscious way, BIG things can shift.
And so often, those tending to others don’t have (or don't take up) the space to do this for themselves.
Recently with a client, we took a deep dive into how she REALLY was. And what happened?
Here's the bulletpointed version...
· Speaking truth.
· Tears that had been held back for too long.
· Release.
· Relief.
· A greater sense of self-worth.
· Claiming space for herself.
· Gratitude.
· Clarity about what she wants next.
· Taking some small and big steps to shift patterns in her life around over-giving, self-neglect and choices around her health that weren't serving her.
· Relationship dynamics changing.
· A different relationship to her body.
· A sense of freedom and excitement about what’s next.
I see some version of this journey over and over when clients and participants have the invitation and courage to share how they REALLY are… and in doing so, they release what's stuck and too heavy to carry any longer.
When we give ourselves permission to take up space and be witnessed, energy is freed up to focus on what’s next, instead of spent trying to hide away the parts of us that are desperately asking for our attention.
And the "what's next" could include creative problem-solving, deeper healing, a creative project, or planning for a bigger vision.
So I’m asking YOU, how are you doing? How are you really doing?
In this wild world we are living in right now, I encourage you to pause (frequently) and take a moment to tune into the answer for yourself.
(And maybe even gather up the courage to share your answer with someone else and ask to be witnessed.)
And as always, I'd love to hear your answer.
We humans all need this, especially when we’re doing work that heals and helps, and taking care of others (and possibly feeling like we’re holding up the world).
And especially in this world right now.
Creating spaces for you to show up how you REALLY are (so you can BE as you want to be) is foundational for the healing that happens in the retreats, programs and private healing work I offer.
I’ve got two exciting opportunities to join in retreat space (both from the comfort of your own home) in the next few weeks:
1) Best Holiday Season Ever – Dec 3-5, a free weekend retreat to relax into the holidays and be set for 2022. Hosted by my friend Mia Moran – I’ll be one of 12 teachers weaving together a very special experience – including movement, mindfulness, self-care, and planning the holidays so you can feel relaxed, resourced and ready for December and beyond.
I’m super excited to be teaching some of my favorites - nervous system calming, breathwork and body listening.
You can sign up HERE and join for as much of it as you’re able – it’s FREE -and live!).
2) Radical Self-Care (for the holidays) Community Healing Retreat (virtual) – December 12. This is our monthly virtual retreat space I host where you who care for the world – in your work or home space – can come settle in for a nourishing, compassion-filled, healing 2.5 hours of juicy, replenishing, nervous system calming retreat.
This one will be focused on clearing away any heavy and stuck energy that you’ve been carrying so you can head into the holiday season with your cup all filled up, able to access joy, calm and connection. Sliding scale to make it accessible. You can REGISTER HERE.
Hope to see you at one of these events, where you can show up as you REALLY are.
I hope to see you in one of these spaces soon, where you can show up as you REALLY are.
The world needs you well.
With love and many blessings,
P.S. And many good wishes for a gratitude-filled, Happy Thanksgiving (with wishes for a new, decolonized story that honors all of the stories).
Photo by Katy Yanda