How does Wonder Woman get through grief and anxiety?
In our most recent community healing retreat, one of our amazing women participants spoke of how she has always felt like Wonder Woman. But she admitted that the past year has taken such a toll, and the grief, fear, overwhelm and pain have just taken over.
Can you relate?
You have the coffee mug, the keychain, the Halloween costume that reminds you of the Wonder Woman you are.
But then are there days in which you feel like the Wonder Woman in you has become a shell of who she was?
You know what it’s like to be so high functioning, capable, and organized. You are an incredibly competent human and leader who knows how to think critically. You’re the one everyone turns to when they need a clear head to help work through a big problem, or they need a leader to step in and get the job done, or guide a team out of a mess.
You’ve worn it like a badge. You love being the one your team, your family, turn to.
So what happens when it stops feeling good? What happens when they need you and you want to go hide in a corner and eat ice cream?
What happens when anxiety and grief take a front seat and your powerful Wonder Woman wants to take a nap in the back seat?
What happens when it gets harder to sleep, think clearly and solve problems?
What does Wonder Woman do when she feels grief and anxiety?
And how does she bring herself back?
I happen to know a number of Wonder Women (and men) – bright lights in the world of changemaking, service, caregiving and health/ healing.
And they are powerhouses – incredibly capable, intensely competent, bighearted powerhouses.
I also know and work with a number of them who are somewhere on the continuum of struggling to do minimal self-care to having health concerns to burnout that makes it difficult to get through the days.
If you’re somewhere on this continuum (or know someone who is and can share with them), feeling the toll of these days and 2020 in particular, longing to feel that passion and purpose you’ve felt before, to feel competent, energized and strong in mind, body and spirit, to feel emotionally steady, here is a little something you can do right now to move yourself in that direction…
First, please hear me on this. You ARE Wonder Woman – it’s in your BEING, not your DOING. You don’t have to DO anything to earn that. Please pause and take that in.
Now, give yourself permission to take a pause, just a few, just for YOU.
Allow yourself to take just 5 minutes to get quiet inside and to tune into what’s happening inside of you.
If you have little ones around, or Zoom calls happening around you, and you need a quiet space, find a room (or a bathroom or closet) and go sit with your eyes closed.
Now focus on your breath. Breathe in through your nose and feel your lungs fill. Breathe out through your mouth and feel yourself get empty. Continue this for 2-3 minutes, aiming to make each breathe a little longer than the last, especially on your exhale.
Invite in the possibility of listening to what’s happening inside. Maybe ask the questions… What is my body asking for? What is my mind telling me? What is my heart wanting me to hear?
After listening, ask if there is ONE small 5 minute action you can take right now to respond to what your body, mind or heart are asking you to see/ be/ do?
Here are a few simple (but powerful and effective) possibilities:
Stay here and focus on your breath for 5 minutes.
Lie down and let your body have some restorative rest in Savasana (you know, the final resting pose from yoga class that you might be tempted to skip out on).
Dance to your favorite music.
Take a walk outside – and put your face to the sunshine.
Listen to a 5-minute meditation.
Write about your insights in your journal.
Make an appointment for some support.
I encourage you to do this right now if you can. Or go type this action into your calendar for a time in the next 24 hours so it happens. You’re worth it.
Taking just 5 to do what your body is asking of you can powerfully shift what's happening inside - and outside.
First listen to you, inside. And then you can take care of the other things that need taking care of.
This self-care thing, it’s actually pretty essential, to you being at your best, and you being able to offer your best to the world – your work, your family, your loved ones.
The world needs you well.
I’d love to hear from you about what you hear when you tune in, and what your one 5 minute thing is that you did or are going to do.
For now, big breaths (a bit longer on the exhale), courage for this journey, and many good wishes to you.
With love,
Copyright © 2021 Kelly Lubeck All rights reserved.