Threads of Love, Light and Healing
Good wishes, and deep breaths to you.
I hope that this note finds you in good health, close to those you love, taking good care of yourself, and contributing in a way that feels right and good.
It’s time for some big shifts here on Planet Earth. Some we are consciously choosing, some not. We don't have experience in navigating these wild, unprecedented times and the waves that come with them, but we’re figuring it out as we make our way.
We are front line health care professionals, leaders running hospitals, businesses and non-profit organizations, professionals delivering services, folks delivering groceries and necessary supplies, suddenly unemployed people. We are parents, teachers (or parents turned teachers), professors, policymakers, changemakers, healers, helpers and caregivers.
Most of us (not our front line folks) are suddenly on lockdown and without community and connection and some of the ease of life as we've known it.
We may be figuring out how to do extreme solitude, or we may find ourselves suddenly at home with lots of people in small spaces, trying to figure out how to BE together and get it all done, or how to balance work and childcare and homeschooling and stay sane.
Or we may be intensely working the front lines, in contact with many other humans every day, and working with a level of intensity, risk, chaos and challenge like never before.
We may be healthy and wondering how to possibly stay that way, and we may be sick and struggling physically.
Some of us may be battling anxiety and fear about COVID-19 as illness, some the fear of the financial impacts, some anticipatory or present moment grief and sadness for the losses, personal and collective. Some fear what might come to the society we live in and some are simply overwhelmed with the everyday changes requiring us to adapt to this new reality.
All of us are being asked to navigate new realities, new challenges, new opportunities, wherever we are and in whatever roles we play. We are all still working to make positive change in whatever corner of the world we are in, in the midst of a pandemic.
And we are each doing our best to keep ourselves, our families, our patients, our clients, our colleagues, and our communities well and safe. Gratitude to you for whatever you are doing.
Wherever we have met, or however we are connected, in this moment, I am checking in. I want you to know that I am sending out, from my heart to your heart, a thread of love, light and healing. Can you feel it? I invite you to close your eyes and imagine this connection.
I offer you this simple practice to connect and contribute to calm, ease and well-being.
If you like, after taking a big breath in and a longer breath out, go ahead and send out – from your heart to the hearts of those you are connected with – through work, service, family, friendship, those you serve – multiple threads of love, light, and healing. See the threads connected to your people extending out to those they are connected with, and on and on, weaving their way across the globe. Imagine these illuminated threads expanding out in infinite ways, bringing us all together around the world, a global community intentionally connected through light, love and healing.
See this network of light like a woven tapestry – wrapping around our planet. Know that you are part of this, right now, wherever you are, whatever you’re feeling and experiencing in this time. Take a moment and feel into that tapestry – then breathe into it.
We are all connected, in ways seen and unseen, and we have this opportunity, now more than ever, in the quiet and the chaos, to tap into that connection.
If you’re feeling disconnected in any way, or experiencing fear, anxiety, grief, overwhelm, or perhaps courage, joy, or gratitude, I invite you to do this practice, dipping into this illuminated web of wonderful humans who care deeply about what is happening on the planet and with its people at this time. Feel into this place and allow it to calm your heart and nervous system and help you remember that you are a precious part of this sacred web of life.
There will be more to come – my intention is to show up with supports for your self-care, well-being and healing.
Today, though, I just wanted to send out a thread of connection. Even in this time of social distancing, and for most of us, staying at home, we are still an undeniably connected human network, woven together on this wild and beautiful life’s journey.
I would love to hear how you are and what you're wanting and needing in this time, so please feel free to reach out.
Many blessings, and wishes for good health and well-being for you and your loved ones,